I am a software engineer and open source advocate. My goal is to use technology to help others.
Lambda SchoolUnited States
nickdurbin's Following
- TimMitzenWilmington DE
- farjadfazliNew York
- kelsywells@LambdaSchool
- depadiernosCookeville, TN
- Kadeem140
- Reticent93
- meholtFircrest, Washington
- nottolivcSoftware Engineer
- BlevsRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- jsonmaurUtah
- JasonCruz-DevBeaumont Tx
- ethaeralMassachusetts, US
- bradtraversyTraversy Media
- dswhitely1Corydon, IN
- earthboundtrevVirginia, USA
- KerstingJ
- Joe-AlfaroSF Bay Area, California
- timothyshoresOptum
- dannyotownSaint Louis
- nezlobnayaNYU
- Jalba784Barstow, CA
- darthgawdKorriban
- adinkins2019Bishopville, SC
- LeonChisumSnackaholics
- LoralieFlintSacramento CA
- wallacecs007Nylas
- adamcpenmanChicago, IL
- spettigrew@Lambda
- krboelterAllucent
- RobertRamosJrBrooklyn, NYC
- scottmm374Sterling heights, Michigan
- fixmylifedesignsFixmylife
- smv5047Atlanta, Georgia
- StephenTanksleyChicago, IL
- IanCarrerasFlorida