
[Discussion] Bug Testing

mavproductions opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey Nick,
I just compiled your recent build. Anything else I should test on Linux not on this list? I can maybe test Windows later today as time provides.

  • Votes no longer succeed when only 1 person votes
    -This didn't work in my test. Still did a vote with Votes Enabled true, and GameMode true even though I was the only person in the server.

  • A new admin settings menu (!settings)
    - NoBots works, bots only brought in a single bot for me. Might need more commands triggered to bring in bots if you're defaulting to a fill quota of 10

  • Game mode rotations
    - Doesn't seem to rotate gamemodes even being set to true after the set Interval of 4
    - Tested on Casual mode by doing the following:
    !rcon mp_round_restart_delay 0
    !rcon mp_freezetime 0
    say !settings --> Disable/Enable bots for 1 bot only to join(as configured currently!)
    !rcon sv_cheats 1
    kill --> until maxrounds limit met and RTV went through w map change
    - Did this 6 times

  • Configuration options for map change / game mode delay
    - !gamesettings and !gamemodes didn't work for me

  • Per game mode and per setting votes
    - Appears to work.
    - Any chance of adding secondary aliases using your GameModeManager.json schema? (so if my server members instinctively type !aimmap instead of !aim it can still work?

  • All game mode and game settings votes (!gamesetting, !gamemode)
    - (See above)

  • Configuration options for menu styles ("center" for center html (hud) menu, "chat" for chat menu.
    - Does !maps work for you in chat mode?
    - Seems to work otherwise for me, switched back to center and !maps started working for me.


Hey @mavproductions , thank you so much for all this testing! I believe I have addressed some of these issues in an unpublished commit.

I will be making an official release tonight with more information! I know I keep saying that but this time is for real haha. I just keep finding ways to improve it as I write and test.

@mavproductions , a new release has been made. I will be marking this as completed. If you notice any other issues feel free to create another issue.