
Issues with Spaces.

MattFoley opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey, this is an awesome idea, and seems to not really bump CPU usage at all either, which makes it really viable for a mobile development shop like mine.

However, the run script seems like it trips up on spaces in the file names. I won't ahve time to look into fixing it until later this week.


I'm unable to reproduce this. It seems to be quite happy with spaces in filenames as long as they are either wrapped in quotes "" or escaped with a backslash \ in accordance with the normal unix command line conventions.

Can you give an example of a JPNGTool command you tried that didn't work as expected?

Sorry I never came back and added more information to this. I think at this point it's just me doing something wrong. I re-cloned your repo and I don't have the issues with spaces anymore but it's still not working for me.

Even when I use "sudo" I'm getting:

xargs: /Users/teejay/Dropbox/Working Directory/JPNG/JPNGTool: Permission denied

The command I'm trying to execute is:

 sudo find "/Users/teejay/Dropbox/Working Directory/DirectionalDash-Github/Resources" -name \*.png | sed 's/\.png//g' | xargs -I % -n 1  "/Users/teejay/Dropbox/Working Directory/JPNG/JPNGTool" %.png %.jpng 0.8

Thanks for the help Nick, I really appreciate it.

That exact command works fine for me (if I change the two paths). Maybe something to do with digital signing? Have you tried recompiling JPNGTool on your system and running that version?