
Project page contacts are not a links

Opened this issue · 6 comments

The contact rendered in the artist section is not a link. If they point this out we need to think of a strategy to render the different possible scenario in our template. The function should handle having one or multiple link of unknown type between:

  • instagram
  • email
  • porfolio webiste

Also, the contact links can be of any combination: 2 instagram, 1 email 1 website, 2 email, etc. To process this, we would need to modify the field in our projectpage.txt and maybe have the contact as an array: odd says what type and even specify the content. Function to render that to be determined

Indeed! It should be links!

How about we limit it to one link.

If you're going to do that I would prioritize the Instagram handle of the artists

What about pages with two artists of different contact type, do we rule out one of them?

We will need to massively renamed content.txt to include an additional field

contact_type: 'insta', 'mail', 'link'

- @artist1
- @artist2


for example, then I can take care of doing a switch case to handle this

The only rule would be that they all have to be of the same type