
This repository is over its data quota

trackersos opened this issue · 3 comments


I get following error:

Downloading rpizero_rotary_phone_audio_guestbook_v1.0_imagebackup.img.gz (610 MB) Error downloading object: rpizero_rotary_phone_audio_guestbook_v1.0_imagebackup.img.gz (ed056e0): Smudge error: Error downloading rpizero_rotary_phone_audio_guestbook_v1.0_imagebackup.img.gz (ed056e05beacf78a490eae1c0b5e5ebdac3cc340477580b259980830ac8e43c5): batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.

Would you please check? Thank you very much!

Hey @trackersos, I just need to switch to GitHub releases so I'm not beholden to git lfs' strict quota. Will try to do this tomorrow morning and let you know.

@trackersos check out #32
and the gzipped img

@trackersos check out #32 and the gzipped img

@nickpourazima thank you, it works now!