
Even smarter Smart Titles? Maybe a title format override checkbox?

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Hi Nico,

Would it be easy to add a check in the title generation to NOT add the sitename to the title redundantly?

My title format string is "{title} - {sitename}", and my sitename is "AnswerHub". It would be super cool if there was a way to add no-repeat into the format, so it would only add the sitename if it wasn't already in the title string.

Another option might just be to let the page have a title format override checkbox to skip the title format and just use the entered string exactly. Since lots of people won't necessarily be using the same title format string, this would be a more reliable and simple way to give absolute certainty.


Well if you leave the field empty there will be no automatically title insertion as explained here:

I had read that, but that requires exceptional handling for specific page ids in the actual page code. In general, it's fantastic to have the ability to use the smart title format string, but on occasional pages it is not desirable. For example, on my site we normally append " - AnswerHub" after the title, which works 98% of the time.

On some pages, however, we'd like to optimize the title in a way which doesn't have that string appended, and it would be best if we could just check a checkbox next to the title to "Override Smart Title" or something like that, so the title string entered in the SEO tab is used exactly as it is shown.

If you have a few of these pages, it is better IMO to have a boolean field to govern whether to use the smart title than to code special exceptions into templates.

Ah okay I see now what you mean.