
Add kuberntes deployment with service and ingress templates

nelaaro opened this issue · 0 comments

This is a small improvement request to add resources to deploy into Kubernetes examples

Adding a deployment, service, and ingress template to quickly test various ingress services.

This should probably have a working netcat or some other script start a listing service.

In my use case, I want to be able to test what arrives at a pod. Through the various ingress services, AWS load balancer, and Nginx ingress controller. What headers actually arrive at the destination pod.

This should be used as a type of example for people who want to quickly deploy something to test this setup.
But need additional resources to get things working. It should be quick to add and quick to remove


Should run the netshoot image and possible start a listing service on a know / configurable port


Service should point to this above deployment service listing port.


Quick examples for people who want to deploy the various ingress services.

  • ingress Nginx
  • ambassador
  • Traefik
  • Kong
  • HAProxy

I will submit a pull request for this in the near future.