
How to configure/format/reorg the web-server display?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

The web-server display is beautiful and wonderful. How can I adjust its format? Details below.

My initial, web-server-display-reconfiguring wish list:

  1. reorder "display sections/stanzas," namely move the process listing more towards the top of the web-served display
  2. remove the existing, Network section
  3. add a section show per-process network bandwidth (if feasible)
  4. maybe remove some other sections

Details on my environment:

$ glances --version
Glances v3.1.1 with psutil v5.6.3
$ sw_vers 
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.14.6
BuildVersion:	18G84
$ brew info glances
glances: stable 3.1.1 (bottled)
Alternative to top/htop
/usr/local/Cellar/glances/3.1.1 (3,333 files, 56.4MB) *
  Poured from bottle on 2019-07-27 at 14:07:55
==> Dependencies
Required: python ✔
==> Analytics
install: 2,525 (30 days), 6,093 (90 days), 21,752 (365 days)
install_on_request: 2,515 (30 days), 6,071 (90 days), 21,701 (365 days)
build_error: 0 (30 days)

So, just to confirm: there's no means to do this today, correct?

(I'm presuming this based upon the ehancement label that @nicolargo to this issue.)

I'd also like to be able to reorg the columns in the display screenshote-ed below, namely remove all but the CPU% and Command columns, and optionally change the the widths/justification of some or all of the columns (eg: the USER column is far wider than necessary, inefficiently employ a lot of precious display space).

I suspect glances cmdline can do this (I've not yet tried). I'm curious if it might be helpful to port cmdline-like functionality over to the webserver, so they might be more maintainable (on the the developer side) and scalable by employing the "same engine." Alas, I know nothing about Glances design architecture - so I only (and completely) speculate.

Screenshot 2019-08-02 09 32 34

@johnnyutahh Yes, it is not possible for the moment.

I let @notFloran decide the best way to implement this. Perhaps a dynamic table inside the Web UI ?

The current version of Glances (3.x branch) is not a good candidate to implement this enhancement.

The future Glances 4.x will refactor the core and the WebUI.

So postponed for the moment.

@fr4nc0is what do you think about this enhancement request ? Do you think it is possible to implement it with the current Web framework ?