
Feature Request: Label coordinates

Opened this issue · 8 comments


Me again ;) My fellow survivors asked me to open a feature request.

Basically it would be very neat to be able to set "Labels" or mark spots on the map by using a text or xml file with a format like [x,y,text]. We certainly would love to have a in-browser editor for this, but that would probably be overkill and lots of effort ;)

Example on a minecraft mapper:

Thank you for your time and effort!


  • G

For collaborative poi on leaflet you should look at . I think you are able to provide tiles generated from python script

Thanks for the information! Unfortunately, i couldn't code to save my life and don't know how to integrate the solution you mentioned :( If i could do it myself, i would :)


I could add a telnet client in the python code in order to provide a way to player to add a place mark by chatting some text.

Something like saying:
/addpoi A tool store

Is it ok ?

I will use this feature to synchronize only .map of players that are not ingame (for writing concurency issue). And for updating players positions.

We are thankful for any solution and will gladly test any idea you have to get this feature included :)

Thanks again for your time!


  • G

@Ketchu13 Is working on a tool and may release it.

Hello @Gilthanaz,
you can contact me, on steam by adding to your contact list this profile :

I need to know exactly what you want, and test the project before releasing it.

Anyway , you can already take a glance of this:
Demo here:


I've added you on steam but you did not accept my friend request yet (My Steam Name starts with "Pa" and ends with "er").

I'm testing the current version here:

As you can see, i've added three POIs (manually, in the XML - i have no clue how users can "send" POIs and there is no documentation yet). I tried adding more icons by uploading them next to the existing farm.png icon and using the new names in the POI XML, but it appears that's not working yet.

Since i have no clue how to add POIs except by hand in the XML, i'd love to have a input mask of some kind - probably password protected - where trusted users can add POIs with different icons, or something like that :) Using ZBot (of which i dont know anything so far) will probably not work for us as it appears to be a windows app and we're running linux.

Thanks for your work, we like the way it looks already a lot 🎯

Kind regards,

  • G

I have updated the 7dtd_Leaflet_AddPOI python project.
With the no-gui version of this mapReader you can:
_ Connect to the 7dtdServer and watch for "/addpoi" queries, for adding markers on the Leaflet map.
_ create player's tiles after they left the game.
With the "GUI" version, you can do the same things than the "without" version and some tools (in dev) :
_ Ftp client
_ Http server
_ Show all Keystones locations
_ Show POIList.xml, whitelist.xml src
More things and improvement are coming soon

Gui version:
