
Open close instance depending on viewport

t-book opened this issue · 0 comments


thanks for this great slider! I would need guidance with following. To save some space I'd like to open an instance on mobile

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-24 um 13 01 37

and close it on desktop

Bildschirmfoto 2019-05-24 um 13 01 18

It would work to create two sliders, one initiated open the other closed, and hide the one or the other based on css media queries. Anyway, I think it would be nicer to only have one instance which changes depending on viewport resize. Here is a quick and dirty snippet which shows what I'm after:

   var instance;

    if ($(window).width() < 500){
        // initiate for small viewports closed
        instance = $('.image-gal-contain').Chocolat({
            container: '.image-gal-contain',
            loop: true,
    } else {
        // ... else open
        instance = $('.image-gal-contain').Chocolat({
            loop: true,

    var resizeTimer;

    $(window).on('resize', function(e) {

      resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {

        if ($(window).width() < 500){
            // on small vieports close the slider
            instance = $('.image-gal-contain').Chocolat({
                container: '.image-gal-contain',
                loop: true,
        } else {
            // else open it
            instance = $('.image-gal-contain').Chocolat({
                loop: true,
      }, 400);


The question is: Did someone did something similar before or is even something inbuild with chocolate? If not is it correct to destroy the instance or would you just call the constructor again?