
linkImages: false passed, but images linked and controls shown

plagasul opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, gorgeous plugin and website!

I am instatiating chocolat as such (old website with jquery)

$(document).ready(function() {
	// Chocolat.js
		imageSize: 'contain',
		linkImages: false,
		loop: false,
		closeOnBackgroundClick: true,
		fullScreen: false,
		allowZoom: false,

The structure looks like this:

  <div> <!-- don't mind this extra div -->
    <a class="chocolat-image" href="..."><img src="..."></a>
    <a class="chocolat-image" href="..."><img src="..."></a>
    <a class="chocolat-image" href="..."><img src="..."></a>

And although linkImages is set to false, images are linked. I get the bottom bar with the pagination etc and I can navigate all images in the page with left and right keys.

I use keys because adittionally I am getting a lot of errors regarding the images that chocolat needs for left, right, close etc, that are not found by the script:


Btw I load .js and .css files at head and body bottom. I suppose I could copy the files from the repo to the site manually, but I don't need them, I don't want any left, right, pagination etc etc.

What's going on?

thank you


Indeed linkImages: false doesn't disable keyboard navigation.
I've deployed a fix here :

If you don't want the images I suggest you override the styles in your own css, for example :

body .chocolat-wrapper .chocolat-right {
    background: none;