
jQuery 3

joho1968 opened this issue · 7 comments

Is this supposed to work with jQuery 3? I get no errors and no action :) Looking at the demo, there's "slightly" more going on than just a HTML / JS lightbox, so I'm sure I've done something wrong :)

Works for me

Great. Do you have a simple working example?

I think I may be encountering a similar issue. Chocolat worked fine until I upgraded to jQuery 3. I haven't made any other changes.

I see there's been a commit for using jQuery 3. @nicolas-t can you please make a new release containing this change?

No issues with the basic, maybe some options?

Working well for me too.
I'm creating a new release right now.

There you go :

I'm closing.
If you have a reproductible issue related to jquery 3 feel free to reopen.