
Security issues

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm evaluating using modern-async for a production application but I'm concerned about the security issues that identified.

Aside from a number of npm audit issues, says modern-async include install scripts and that it can access the network. Maybe a security audit of modern-async could uncover why these issues are flagged.

Getting modern-async's security story up-to-date could help adoption. The library looks amazing otherwise, thanks for the hard work!

First let's be clear, latest version of modern-async doesn't yield any npm audit vulnerabilities:

$ npm install --save modern-async

added 3 packages, and audited 4 packages in 3s

1 package is looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
$ npm audit
found 0 vulnerabilities

Regarding the vulnerabilities raised by, which is independent from npm audit, you are misreading them. It is clearly stated that their "Install script vulnerability" is located in a dependency, which in this case is core-js-pure. If you want the maintainers of that package to fix that potential vulnerability you are free to report them the problem:

On the other hand, core-js-pure has 14 M downloads on npm and their main package, core-js, has 42 M. So if that potential vulnerability was a real thing I think we would all be in a lot of troubles. That's why I wouldn't care personally.

Thanks for looking into this! I appreciate it 💪