
Intructions for research assistants in the VIU lab to run psychopy experiment.

Set up

  1. download and install psychopy3: from:https://www.psychopy.org/download.html

  2. download this github folder by clicking "code" -> "download zip"

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  1. unzip the file and move the folder to a directory on your computer.

Run the experiment

  1. open psychopy3, there will be multiple windows opening up, make sure you use the window with "Psychopy Coder".

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  1. click "file" -> "open", select the file "runExperiment_fb.py", click "open"

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  1. once you open the file, click "run experiment" button on the top

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  1. You can put in your name initials as subject name (e.g., my name is Nicole Han so I put "NH" as my subject name), age, and gender to start! Repeat this process for 6 times and make sure you always put the same subject name (e.g., "NH") each time. DO NOT add numbers to your subject name such as "NH1", "NH2".

Upload your data

  1. go to the folder Data/Data/
  2. find the folder name with your subject id/name

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4. zip the file and upload zip file to google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pIHzftLmrqEmYD4P1dDDuoA2RNAZqN1V?usp=sharing