
Error in httr::content(response)$errors

nicolewhite opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello Nicole,

I'm new to both R and Neo4j. Please could you help me with the following issue?

I have a graph in Neo4j. It was built by someone not using RNeo4j. I can make queries in Neo4j directly, and it gives me the results I expect. In R, I get errors as follows:

In R:

  1. I use graph= startGraph(my machine, login, password) , and that executes OK.
  2. I set a query string, query="MATCH (some parameters)"
  3. call cypher(graph, query)

The output is:

Error in httr::content(response)$errors :
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

I get the same output also if I try to return anything.
Please could you give me some advice? Thank you.

I found the problem 30 minutes ago. I was missing the slash at the end of the url.