
Divide with expressions?

viktorstrate opened this issue · 5 comments

Could it be possible to make expressions dividable with other expressions. Eg

new Expression(1).divide(new Expression('x'))

If I try this now I get

TypeError: Invalid Argument (x): Divisor must be of type Fraction or Integer.

And make variables remove them self, like this

var upper = new Expression('x').multiply(2)
var lower = new Expression('x').multiply(4)

var result = upper.divide(lower) // expected result: 1/2

Edit: replaced .add() with .multiply(), thanks @Benjadahl

I guess no! As of now division of expressions with expressions is not implemented!

Note: (2 + x)/(4 + x) != 1/2

It would be (2 * x)/(4 * x)

Unless I am terribly bad at math :P

You're right my bad, I've updated the original post.

Facing same issue. Any update on this?

I have this implemented to a certain extent, although I'm not actively working on it. Check it out here: