
Upgrading to PSQL15

KidA001 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello - I have been using your image for some time and we upgraded our DB to PSQL15.

I forked your repo and also pushed a new image up to Docker, however I believe I'm missing some setup. Is there more to your Dockerfile or config that you pushed up to docker?

I updated the dockerfile to:

FROM postgres:15.0
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install unzip && apt-get --assume-yes install build-essential && apt-get --assume-yes install postgresql-server-dev-15 && apt-get install  -y wget \
  && wget -O \
  && unzip \
  && cd /pg_partman-4.7.2 && pwd && make install && make NO_BGW=1 install

But am getting the error exec format error when using the image I built from this with CircleCI kida001/postgres-15-pg-partman:1.0.0

Nevermind, was completely unrelated. For what it's worth i have an upgraded working version. Happy to merge or keep my separate fork