vmware-perl scripts

Table of Contents


Collection of perl scripts that leverage the VMWare SDK for Perl. The scripts here are not exclusive as they are sometimes a bundle of several other scripts or snippets from other examples.


  • deploy-template.pl: a fork from vmclone.pl sample script. Originally posted here.
    • Main changes:
      • No customize-vm/customize-guest switches (enough to pass a file/schema, if not, none is used).
      • Customize VM directly from command line (cpus and memory parameters)

Usage example

perl deploy-template.pl \
--server <VCENTER_IP> \
--username "user@vsphere.local" \
--password <password> \
--vmtemplate <VM_TEMPLATE_NAME> \
--vmhost <TARGET_ESX_HOST> \
--datastore <TARGET_DISKARRAY> \
--vmname <NEW_VM_NAME> \
--cpus 8 \
--memory 32768