
Swagger.json x Openapi.json

higaooliveira opened this issue · 3 comments

Why when I use OpenApi.json I must declare all model examples manually and when I use Swagger.json all examples are already declared automatically

I'm not sure I understand. Can you elaborate a bit?

When I open Swagger UI, it parses a json to show all specs. My doubt is about the difference between when it parses openapi.json and swagger.json

  1. When it parses OpenApi.json, I need to configure a response Model example in my route, like this code snippet
data class PetsModel(val pets: MutableList<PetModel>) {
    companion object {
        val exampleModel = mapOf(
            "pets" to listOf(

 get<pets>("all".responds(ok<PetsModel>(example("model", PetsModel.exampleModel))))

And when it parses Swagger.json, I don't need to configure a responde Model example, like this code snippet:
I just need to inform a response Type and it interprets an example automatically.

I'm asking this because the OpenApi.json looks more complete than Swagger.json but it is a little more manual

Ooof... it's been such a long time since I've worked on this code. 🤔

Can you show me what the returned JSON looks like for the Open API JSON vs the JSON generated for the Open API?

Unfortunately, this project is heavily self-service at this point. If there's a bug, I'm probably not going to have the time to fix this issue. I'm basically a caretaker at this point keeping the lights on. I'll merge a PR that is well tested.