
GL_NVX_progress_fence missing glCreateProgressFenceNVX

Gpinchon opened this issue · 1 comments

According to the registery

The commands SignalSemaphoreui64NVX, WaitSemaphoreui64NVX and
ClientWaitSemaphoreui64NVX accept semaphore object names as input in
that were created by CreateProgressFenceNVX or imported
from a handle of the type HANDLE_TYPE_D3D12_FENCE_EXT.
If a value in is not the name of such a semaphore object,
an INVALID_VALUE error is generated.

Function could maybe be replaced with glGenSemaphoresEXT, but it seems unsure according to the specs. If I'm not mistaken, this extension is incomplete anyway.

Hello, indeed you've hit a bug in the crufty old perl scripts.
I made a fix, uploaded a snapshot:
