
I have created this bot when teaching some coding with ChatGPT to my wife. It was written by ChatGPT, all of it.

Primary LanguagePython

Will You Marry Me? Bot

A simple Telegram bot that lets users send and respond to proposals via inline keyboard buttons. This bot is built using Python and the python-telegram-bot library with SQLite as the database backend.


  • User Registration:
    • Registers users by saving their chat_id and username when they start the bot.
  • Proposal System:
    • Users can propose to others by their Telegram username.
    • Sends proposals with inline keyboard buttons for "Yes" and "No" responses.
    • Notifies proposers of the response.
  • Database Integration:
    • Stores user data (chat_id, username) in an SQLite database.
  • Async Operations:
    • Fully asynchronous, leveraging asyncio for efficient handling of Telegram API requests.



  • Python 3.9 or higher
  • Telegram bot token (create a bot via BotFather)
  • Required Python libraries (install with the steps below)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/nightfullstar/willyoumarryme_bot_telegram.git
    cd willyoumarryme_bot_telegram
  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN in the code with your Telegram bot token.

  4. Run the bot:

    python wymm_bot.py

Additional Setup (Optional)

If you are running the bot in a Jupyter Notebook or an environment with an existing event loop, nest_asyncio is used to allow nested event loops.



  • Registers the user in the database.
  • Sends a welcome message.

/propose <username>

  • Sends a proposal to the specified username.
  • The target user receives a message with "Yes" and "No" buttons.
  • Notifies the proposer of the response.

How It Works

  1. User Registration:
    • When a user sends /start, their chat_id and username are stored in an SQLite database.
  2. Sending Proposals:
    • The /propose <username> command fetches the target user’s chat_id from the database and sends a proposal message.
    • Inline keyboard buttons allow the recipient to accept or decline the proposal.
  3. Callback Responses:
    • Handles button presses to notify the proposer of the recipient’s decision.

Error Handling

  • Notifies the sender if the target user hasn’t registered with the bot.
  • Handles exceptions during message sending or database operations.

Database Schema

The SQLite database (users.db) contains a single table:

    username TEXT



Install the required libraries:

pip install python-telegram-bot nest-asyncio

Project Structure

  • bot.py: Main script containing the bot logic.
  • users.db: SQLite database file for storing user data.
  • requirements.txt: Dependencies for the project.

Running the Bot

Run the bot with:

python bot.py


  • Start a conversation with the bot using /start.
  • Use /propose <username> to send a proposal to another registered user.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request with improvements or bug fixes.


  • Built with the python-telegram-bot library.
  • Inspired by the need for fun and interactive Telegram experiences, used it on my wife(she said yes)