Bug with a parameter named 'Keys'
LaurentDardenne opened this issue · 3 comments
A function with a parameter named Keys does not generates a list of parameter.
function New-MatchesObject{
param (
[String] $TypeName,
[String] $Regex,
[object[]] $Keys
{ write-host "test" }
See file Helps.ps1 :
function Helps.NewCommand(
$parameters = @($Command.Parameters.Keys | Sort-Object)
'$Command.Parameters' is a dictionnary...
Change :
$parameters = @($Command.Parameters.Keys | Sort-Object)
$parameters = @($Command.Parameters.PSBase.Keys | Sort-Object)
And the others calls of the members of 'Parameters' : ( .values, .count...)
I'll take a look at this shortly. Thank you for reporting this.
Fixed and uploaded to NuGet. So far only the name Keys
seems to be problematic.