
Windows-related error: Error file reading in FRCN

Addhi86 opened this issue · 3 comments


While running the code 'demo_frcn.m', i am getting error:

In setupFastRcnnRegions (line 23)
In demo_frcn (line 20)
Error using textread (line 165)
File not found.

trainIms = textread(sprintf(DATAopts.imgsetpath, trainName), '%s'); %#ok<DTXTRD> I have checked the variables DATAopts.imgsetpath the path is correct. Then I couldn't understand why it is not reading the text file.

could you tell me the values of the following?

  • DATAopts.imgsetpath (possibly anonymized)
  • trainName

Alternatively run exist(sprintf(DATAopts.imgsetpath, trainName), 'file') to see whether the file actually exists (2 indicates it exists, 0 it doesn't).

Te values are:

DATAopts.imgsetpath: C:\Users\AD\Downloads\matconvnet-calvin-master\matconvnet-calvin-master\data\Datasets\VOC2010/VOCdevkit/VOC2010/ImageSets/Main/%s.txt
trainName: train

And the answer is 7 if i check the exist

I think the problem is that you are one Windows. I guess mixing / and \ does not work very well and therefore Matlab thinks that this is a folder, not a file. You can try replacing all those slashes (strrep(str, '/', '\')), but I can't guarantee this will work everywhere in the VOC code :(.