Compilation error: mxIsScalar identifier not found
nightrome opened this issue · 1 comments
nightrome commented
A user reported that compiling MatConvNet-Calvin results in the following errors:
Error using mex
: error C3861: 'mxIsScalar': identifier not found
Error in vl_compilenn_calvin (line 15)
mex(mexOpts{:}, fullfile(codeDir, 'labelpresence', 'labelPresence_backward.cpp'));
nightrome commented
This actually seems to be a problem with your Matlab version. Apparently the "mxIsScalar" function was not found. Googling it I found that this function was introduced in Matlab R2015a [1] . Am I guessing correctly that your Matlab version is older?
Please try out the latest version (just run "git pull") that should address this problem. There might be more functions just like that, which are missing in your Matlab version. In that case please get back to me.