
CropShield is a full-stack cross-platform application that provides complete assistance to farmers right from sowing to harvesting. Some of its features are

🎯 Using ML technology for plant disease detection from image and recommending crops to grow based on farmer's location

🎯 Real-time information about soil fertility, weed risk, fire alert, weather forecast, and air quality to make the right farming decisions

🎯 A dedicated and personalized dashboard, Government schemes as well as modern farming techniques page for farmers

🎯 Multilingual AI chatbot to help the farmers for easy understanding of farmers

🎯 Farmers' community section having chat option, posting imahges/videos, QnA, and many more other features to make our platform interactive



To install all frontend dependencies, backend dependencies with a single command concurrently

npm run install-all

To run all the files

npm run run-all

Tech stack used