
wazup john

Closed this issue · 11 comments

i have been using surfer a lot
thinking what browser i should use as my main browser
tired of firefox
and Epiphany is horrible, god dammit i'm hating this browser, just keeps crashing and the "features" are really gnome like

got no idea what you could add to surfer
but its really good
good work

maybe you like minimalism as me :)
But I am not so happy with webkit stabilty. Tested in on x11 but it hogs cpu 100% so I am back on wayland weston - but still not happy it also get crash but with graphics effects :)
but it seems we have to live with it although it is embarrasing ... maybe falcon is more stable (it uses blink)

many things to add - but no much energy :)

are you talking about falkon browser?
looks cool but i don't want to install 2000 kde libs

yes I know.
I added hardware policy option (config.h) and defalted it to never. I hope it will make it more stable, cause
i got constant crashes . It can be changed if someone doesnt have such problems.

comfy minimalist browser
you think its possible to have user scripts in surfer?

I found these

I will update manual for explain.

really cool
do you think its possible to have vaapi support in surfer?
the gstreamer-vaapi needs the bad libs
and the videos are broken with the bad libs
would be good for hardware aceleration because vaapi is overkill in weak PCs

well it should be reported to gstreamer (maybe here ) . Because without gst-plugins-bad there is no sound on some sites .
gst-vaapi is probably also for wayland but not sure....
What wayland lacks is there is no yuv support , so evry pixel needs to be changed from yuv to rgba .-it means some addition cpu work. but it works quite nice on sway and weston ...

i'm making my own hosts file
tired of the other projects who take too long to update

you think its possible to use something like gnome keyring?
would be good to have something like a password manager
i don't want to have it in cookies or in plain text

code for doing this wold probably oversized whole browser :)
it is in epiphany, quite complicated for me.

gnome being gnome 🤦