

Opened this issue · 10 comments

I made an icon In Blender 3D
see if you like

yeah 8x8 too lol
also close the other issues

or just use this one
and you do the resizing

oh You supprised me :)

seems like mac-like style.

now I must place it somewhere to /usr/share/icons . Mmaybe hicolors

You are real artist :)

imagine having a .desktop file and not having a icon
i just tried to make something like the webkit icon
its all i can do right now
i need to learn C to help more

Thats maybe because here on sway is iconless world /
but now they are biggest part of project ;)

I think you should only use 32x32 by now
and save the big one for the future
in case someone asks for a HiDPI icon
so you could just resize it

best woldbe svg icon . You think you can save in this format ?

not in blender
if so i will make a new one in...
this other program that makes svg images, i forgot the name

png dont look nice in gnome shell , they use scalable svg - /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/aps/


it was link ?

the program? its inkscape
i just need to learn to use this thing