
Add license, pkgbuild revision

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, your github repository lack a license, in your AUR pkgbuild is indicated GPL(2), please add it here

Your AUR pkgbuild lacks a pkgver() function and release 4 don't exist,

Attached there both a revisioned pkgbuild and patch


hi thx.
I added license. pkgver is obsolete , name of aur repo is with -git (surfer-git) . Some day I will remove it.

name of aur repo is with -git (surfer-git)

Yes, as is it in the pkgbuild I attached

pkgver is obsolete

The current pkgver= is incorrect, and a pkgver() function is needed

OK I patched. Thanks . (first I always have to generate new ssh-key to change it on aur site, because I dont keep it on disk).
By the way, compiling it from aur is causing crashes after opening new window. Its because the use these make flags like fortify etc.
I dont know how to repair these, yet compiling webkit with symbols for debug , is not for my cpu .