
A haXe/Flash library for audio generation using the Fourier series and various other synthesis algorithms.

Primary LanguageHaXe

Audiogen haXe/Flash library was created by Nihil Shah (Copyright 2010) as a proof-of-concept of various sound synthesis algorithms


Audiogen haXe/Flash library is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

OOP Structure

Every synthesis algorithm implements the audio.ISynth interface, this ensures that every algorithm implements the execute function. This also ensures that all the algorithms share one type which allows for runtime switching of synthesis.

Currently, every synthesis class requires that the frequency of the resulting wave is passed to the constructer. Use the audio.Convert class and audio.Note enum to convert notes into the right frequency values. The audio.Convert class can also convert piano key number to frequency.

Basic Usage

class Main
    private var snd:flash.media.Sound;
    private var syn:audio.ISynth;

    public function new() {
        //Play a pure toned A in the 4th octave (440 Hz)
        syn = new audio.oscillators.Sine(440);

        //Or a sawtooth fourier series A in the 4th octave with 7 harmonics
        //syn = new audio.oscillators.Sawtooth(440, 7);
        //Or a KarplusStrong guitar playing A in the 4th octave
        //syn = new audio.instruments.KarplusStrong(440);
        snd = new flash.media.Sound();
        snd.addEventListener(flash.events.SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, onSampleData);
    public function onSampleData(event:flash.events.SampleDataEvent):Void {
        syn.execute(event.data, event.position);
    public static function main():Void {
        var m:Main = new Main();

Runtime Initialization

class Main
    private var snd:flash.media.Sound;
    private var syn:audio.ISynth;
    public function new() {
        //Play a pure toned A in the 4th octave (440 Hz) initialized at runtime
        syn = Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass("audio.oscillators.Sine"), [440]);

        snd = new flash.media.Sound();
        snd.addEventListener(flash.events.SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, onSampleData);
    public function onSampleData(event:flash.events.SampleDataEvent):Void {
        syn.execute(event.data, event.position);
    public static function main():Void {
        var m:Main = new Main();

Advanced Usage

View the src/Audiogen.hx file

School Project

This was part of my group's project on sound wave synthesis and the fourier series

Commercial Use

If you would like to use Audiogen haXe/Flash commercially without violating the license, please contact me at nshah311@gmail.com