Source code of the Beta of the NHS COVID-19 iOS app
- andrewsowden@nedwos
- benwilcockRed Hat
- bonebalint
- BurkusCatUK
- ChristopherHackettManchester, UK
- chriswales95Scotland
- daniloslvBrasilia - Brazil
- danmurfColchester, Essex, UK
- davedevelopment@childcare and @atst
- davelyonTraboule Software
- davidcralph@mue, @vocauk
- ddowding
- Dimillian@Medium @Glose
- djmckee@NebulaLabs
- dnlrnstlffLondon
- dominicchapman@AxiomHQ
- isrobLondon, UK
- jkimboLondon
- johnrees
- johnwalley@MulberryHouseSoftware
- josefdolezaliOS @jll-labs, former iOS @AckeeCZ
- markhotchkissiDevs
- martincostello@justeattakeaway
- mluisbrown
- mr-v
- olgusirmanAspendos IT Consultancy LTD
- olivernashLondon
- p-patelManchester, UK
- philwarehamDesign Hive Ltd
- pjgmobile
- RuiAAPeresVital
- sergdortLondon, United Kingdom
- SwiftyAlexUK
- takuan-osho@kiicorp
- tjheslin1London
- tkersey@thisisartium