

Opened this issue · 3 comments

You mention compilers in different parts of the style guide:

Always remember: No trailing commas, code can break when you do this in some compilers.

And here:

The following block, makes a little more sense, however it can be problematic with linting, and compilers. Notably older compilers.

Would you care to explain- in the style guide- what you mean by compilers? It might be misleading for people not familiar with JavaScript.

Also, 👍 on the intro. I am eager to see the progress on this style guide. Thanks for sharing

Sure, I'll create a section on compilers, and linting for those who may not be familiar with them.

In short, they are engines that run javascript, to learn more check out this wikipedia page:

Thank you for the link. My point was that the term compiler was used lightly. "if javascript has a compiler, it must be a compiled language.'
C is a compiled language, ECMAScript is interpreter agnostic.
ActionScript 3 is compiled. Most JavaScript implementations have been interpreted. Some modern engines use JIT, etc, etc...

I've converted most of compiler over to engine rather as compilers differ slightly than engines.