Closed this issue · 5 comments
Why 21 and not lower?
Added . I doubt anyone with sdk < 21 will be using my app
Hi Robert. I understand your desire to downgrade minSdkVersion, but currently, I don't see the need for this.
Some statistics: https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards
@nikartm, based on these stats Android KitKat (SDK 19) is still used by 7% of people. So if you have an app with 100.000 users, your requirement of SDK >= 21 cuts out at least 7.000 of users.
Is there a technical reason behind your decision? I really want to use your library, but can't leave SDK 19 out :(
@c0dehunter Ok guys, no problem. Currently, this library has 64 stars and 19 forks (total 83). I reopen the task for 21 days and if my comment gets 7% likes of the total (6 likes) plus KitKat version (total likes 10) I add support SDK 19+. Ok? :)
Please set like who really needs this fix. If you use the library only 21+ you can set thumb down. :)
3 thumbs up after 24 days. Sorry, the issue closed.