
Remove conferences that don't support CoCs

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It would be useful to have a column showing whether the conference has a code of conduct displayed on the front page.

It probably makes more sense to just add it to 2019 conferences.

Oh good point! Honestly, I'd like to take it one step further and not accept conferences that don't have CoCs.

If someone could go through the existing 2019 conferences and audit that all of them have CoCs, that'd be great. :)

@Anniepoo thanks again for this! ❤️

I have edited the title to remove confs that don't support CoCs.

In addition, if someone could send a PR to add to the README that only conferences with CoCs are supported, that'd be super helpful! If noone gets to it by next, I'll do it myself.

Adding the help wanted and good first issues on this. ✨

in the us I was "no coc, no cfp", but I think there's some room for education in India.

Just have to remove the conferences who don't have their specific COC from the list of 2019? If it is then I am up for it. @nikhita

Fixed by #127 (thanks @Kaushl2208!)