
Food statistics calculator based on the Canadian Nutrient File

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


  1. There are no values for iodine in the database.
  2. Several values may be incomplete. For instance, biotin is only listed for a handful of foods.


  1. Create a database, a corresponding user, and connect the two:
    > psql -U postgres
    psql> create database <foodie>;
    psql> create user <foodie> with encrypted password <password>;
    psql> grant all privileges on database <foodie> to <foodie>;
    psql> grant pg_read_server_files to "<foodie>";
    The last command is important for the population of the actual CNF database. When psql is running in Docker it may also be necessary to add
    psql>\c <foodie>
    foodie>grant all privileges on all tables in schema public to <foodie>;
    Additionally, at least one migration may require super-user access for the user, unless the extension uuid-ossp is already defined.
  2. Populate the CNF database by once running the script under scripts/populate_cnf_db.sql. To achieve that run the following steps:
    1. Open a console in the project folder
    2. > psql -U postgres
    3. It may be necessary to switch to the project folder in psql as well. This can be achieved with psql> \cd <absolute path>;.
    4. psql> \ir scripts/populate_cnf_db.sql
    5. In case of Docker:
      1. The script files are copied to /tmp/scripts via docker-compose.yml.
      2. Connect to container docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash.
      3. Change into tmp via cd /tmp.
      4. Run psql -U <foodie-user> -d <foodie-database> -h db, enter the password.
      5. Run the script exactly as above.
    6. Why not a migration? There are several reasons for that:
      1. To copy from via SQL the user needs to be a superuser, which may be problematic.
      2. copy from does not handle relative paths, i.e. one needs an absolute path. Absolute paths present an unnecessary constraint and impede development, and deployment.
      3. In theory one may use a different population set or no population at all. Both work fine with an external population, but not with a migration.
  3. The system scans for migrations in the folder conf/db/migrations/default and applies new ones. After a migration one should re-generate database related code:
    1. sbt slickGenerate generates the base queries, and types.

Minimal Docker database backup strategy

Depending on the setup the commands below may need to be prefixed with sudo.

  1. Start containers detached docker compose up -d
  2. Connect to the container docker compose run db bash
  3. Dump the database as insert statements (for better debugging): pg_dump -h <container-name> -d <database-name> -U <user-name> --inserts -W > /tmp/<backup-file-name>.sql. You will be prompted for the password for said user. Moving the file to /tmp handles possible access issues. Even better - dump only the relevant tables by listing them with -t <table_name> for each table (prefixed with public.).
    pg_dump -h foodie-postgres -d foodie -t public.user -t public.session -t public.meal_entry -t public.meal -t public.complex_food -t public.recipe -t public.complex_ingredient -t public.recipe_ingredient -t public.reference_entry -t public.reference_map  -U foodie --insert -W > /tmp/<date>.sql
  4. Find the id the desired container: docker ps
  5. In a third CLI copy the backup file to your local file system: docker cp <container-id>:/tmp/<backup-file-name>.sql <path-on-local-file-system>


For the moment the deployment is handled manually. There needs to be a running Docker service running on the target machine.

  1. Connect to the target machine.
  2. If this is the first deployment, clone Git project into a folder of your choosing.
  3. Change into the local Git repository of the project.
  4. Run git pull. It is possible that there will be a conflict with the db.env, if the development password has changed.
  5. Make sure that db.env contains deployment values.
  6. If this is the first deployment, create a file deployment.env containing all necessary environment variables (cf. application.conf).
  7. Make sure that all necessary environment variables are set in deployment.env, and these variables contain the desired deployment values. As a reference, one can use the .env file - every key present in the .env file needs to be set in the deployment.env as well. Caveat: Avoid # symbols, because these can behave differently between dotenv and Docker.
  8. Run docker compose up (possibly with sudo). If you want to deploy a specific version, update the image from latest to the desired tag in the docker-compose.yml.
  9. If this is the first deployment, connect to a bash in the Docker db container, and perform the database setup steps described above.
  10. If this is the first deployment, restart the service (only the back end is sufficient). There is a tricky optimisation in the code: Some of the CNF tables are kept in memory to avoid queries (particularly in the case of statistics). However, the tables are loaded only once at the start of the service. Since the CNF database is initially empty, so are the memory values.


Run tests Build and publish back end Build and publish back end