
Move `watchify` to optionalDependencies?

dead-claudia opened this issue · 5 comments

Building off of #193, I think it might be better for it to be listed as an optional dependency. npm will still warn about incompatible versions with optional dependencies, but it won't warn about them not being installed (they're optional, after all). Like peer dependencies, they aren't automatically installed.

Nope...won't work: npm/npm#3066

This is a bit old, but I'm having issues with it as a peerDependency and can't seem to remove that requirement as npm install or yarn will just repull the file and try running that. Any way to get around this issue?

@partounian I'd consult npm/npm#3066 and maybe file an equivalent issue in Yarn's repo, since they are the ones blocking this.

So no workaround just to get this to build?

The workaround is just to npm install --save-dev watchify.