
Meta Heuristics for GTSP

Primary LanguageRust

Meta Heuristics for GTSP

This repository contains the code for my final project of the "Automated Decision Making" course of the summer term 2024 at Unimore.

The goal is to compare different neighborhoods for the Generalized Traveling Salesperson Problem (GTSP) for the Localsearch and Tabusearch meta heuristics. The neighborhood definitions are taken from Gutin and Karapetyan (2009) where they are used as part of a GTSP-specific algorithm. Since their algorithm uses a cycling scheme with multiple neighborhoods and the additional step of Cluster Optimization, these two techniques are also investigated.

A secondary goal is to program the meta heuristics as generic algorithms using Rust traits. These traits are defined in src/lib.rs. The details for GTSP and the neighborhoods are located in the src/gtsp subdirectory.


The following will assume that you have downloaded the instances and solutions from the GTSP instances library in the text format and placed them in the instances/ and solutions/ subdirectory.

To build the code, either nix or a Rust installation is needed. The experiment runner can then be built using nix build .#runner or cargo build --release --bin runner respectively. To run the experiment, substitute "build" with "run" and add the path to each input instance you would like to include as an argument (example: nix run .#runner -- instances/11berlin52.txt instances/26bier127.txt). The results will be printed to the terminal as CSV.

To generate plots of the results, either nix or an R installation with some libraries is needed (see plots.R). Build the plots using nix run .#plots-script results.csv plots.pdf or ./plots.R solutions/ results.csv plots.pdf respectively.


  • Gutin, G., Karapetyan, D. (2009). A memetic algorithm for the generalized traveling salesman problem. Natural Computing, 9(1), 47-60.