
Fork, Commit, Merge - Easy Issue (HTML)

nikohoffren opened this issue · 5 comments

Fork, Commit, Merge - Easy Issue (HTML)

Note: You don't have ask permission to start solving the issue or get assigned, since these issues are supposed to be always open for new contributors. The actions-user bot will reset the file back to previous state for the next contributor after your commit is merged. So you can just simply start working with the issue right away!

Open the tasks/html/easy directory from the root of your project.

Your task is to insert an h1 tag with the name John Doe above the h2 tag in the index.html file.
Note: Only the index.html file needs modification for this task.

Check out for more instructions and how to make a pull request.

Feel free to ask any questions here if you have some problems!

Also, kindly give this project a star to enhance its visibility for new developers!

can i contribute

can i contribute

Yes, go ahead! Everyone can contribute to these.

i have done can you kindly check if i have done correctly its my first time trying thank you

How do I show what I have done.

How do I show what I have done.

Hi! README has all the instructions. If you have added and committed your changes to your own branch, you should be able to make a Pull request by following the instructions. You can also find some helpful videos about making a pull request in our website if you get stuck.