
Fork, Commit, Merge - Medium Issue (HTML)

nikohoffren opened this issue · 2 comments

Fork, Commit, Merge - Medium Issue (HTML)

Create a simple Contact form

Note: You don't have ask permission to start solving the issue or get assigned, since these issues are supposed to be always open for new contributors. The actions-user bot will reset the file back to previous state for the next contributor after your commit is merged. So you can just simply start working with the issue right away!

Open the tasks/html/medium directory from the root of your project.
Then open the index.html file.
The goal of this task is to create a contact form in index.html inside the container using HTML. There are also some styles added in styles.css but you don't need to modify that code, it is there just for styling purposes.

The form should include the following fields:

  • Name (text input)
  • Email (email input)
  • Message (textarea)
  • Submit button

Please note that at this stage, the form doesn't need to submit data to any server-side script. Purpose of this task is to just create the form visually without any functionality.

If you are using VS Code and have for example Live Server extension, you can simply open index.html with the server and check how the form looks. After the form is done, you are ready to make a pull request!
If you do not have Live Server extension, you'll find information about installing and how to use it here.

Note: Only the index.html file needs modification for this task.

Check out for more instructions and how to make a pull request.

Feel free to ask any questions here if you have some problems!

Also, kindly give this project a star to enhance its visibility for new developers!

hey @nikohoffren can i contribute in it for hacktoberfest 23

hey @nikohoffren can i contribute in it for hacktoberfest 23

Hi, yes you can.