
Fork, Commit, Merge - Hard Issue (SQL)

nikohoffren opened this issue · 0 comments

Fork, Commit, Merge - Hard Issue (SQL)

Multi-table SQL Exercises: Querying SELLER, STOCKS, and PRODUCT Data

Note: You don't have ask permission to start solving the issue or get assigned, since these issues are supposed to be always open for new contributors. The actions-user bot will reset the file back to previous state for the next contributor after your commit is merged. So you can just simply start working with the issue right away!

Issue created by Shree-77.

How to Get Started

Navigate to the tasks/sql/hard directory from the root of your project.
Then open the displayItems.sql file and start implementing your solution!


Consider the following relational database schema:

SELLER (S_id, Name, Bank_acc_no, Email, Phone)
STOCKS (S_id, Prod_id, S_Date)
PRODUCT (Prod_id, Prod_name, Description, Price, Expiry_date)

Create the Following Tables:

    -- TODO: Add all the requested fields (S_id, Name, Bank_acc_no, Email, Phone)

    -- TODO: Add all the requested fields (S_id, Prod_id, S_Date)

    -- TODO: Add all the requested fields (Prod_id, Prod_name, Description, Price, Expiry_date)

Insert values into the SELLER table:

INSERT INTO SELLER (S_id, Name, Bank_acc_no, Email, Phone)
    (1, 'John Doe', '1234567890', '', '555-123-4567'),
    (2, 'Jane Smith', '9876543210', '', '555-987-6543');

Insert values into the STOCKS table:

INSERT INTO STOCKS (S_id, Prod_id, S_Date)
    (1, 101, '2023-01-15'),
    (1, 102, '2023-02-20'),
    (2, 103, '2023-03-10');

Insert values into the PRODUCT table:

INSERT INTO PRODUCT (Prod_id, Prod_name, Description, Price, Expiry_date)
    (101, 'Product A', 'Description for Product A', 25.99, '2023-12-31'),
    (102, 'Product B', 'Description for Product B', 19.99, '2023-11-30'),
    (103, 'Product C', 'Description for Product C', 39.99, '2023-10-15');

Display the following :

(a) Display name of the sellers and their bank account number who stocked at least 24 different products with price higher than 1000 rupees in the last one year.

(b) Use nested query to display name of the sellers and their email address; who have in stock products with expiry date past today’s date.

(c) Display the name of the products that are in stock by at least one seller and also those that are not in stock by any of the sellers.

(d) Use join query to display name of the sellers and name of the products stocked by them during March 23, 2020 and June 30, 2020.

(e) Display name of sellers who have in stock maximum number of different products and minimum number of different products.

For this issue, you need to have sqlite installed to your local machine.
Check out for more instructions of how to install sqlite and how to make a pull request.

Feel free to ask any questions here if you have some problems!

Also, kindly give this project a star to enhance its visibility for new developers!