
[BUG] Syslog test seems to fail under WSL

irfansofyana opened this issue · 8 comments

Describe the bug

There is an error in the Syslog test that causing error when running make test

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Execute command make test

Expected behavior

Syslog test should be passed and all tests will be passed



  • OS: Ubuntu 20 on WSL 2.0
  • Go Version: 1.19
  • Library Version: [e.g. 0.19.2]

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

@irfansofyana thanks for the report. I suspect this is caused by WSL, since the test fails in no other environment. I don't have a Windows machine ready for testing tho. Either I set one up in the coming days or someone else might confirm that WSL is the error cause.

@svaloumas do you happen to have a system at hand to confirm this?

I see, thanks for the info @nikoksr I agree that it might be because of some connection issues on WSL. If I have time, I will try to dig further into this issue

@irfansofyana that would be greatly appreciated!

@irfansofyana any updates on this yet?

@nikoksr hey apologize, I haven't got time to dig further on this issue. Will try to debug it on the weekend!

@irfansofyana no, no worries! Just checking. Nice, that would be greatly appreciated! Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

@irfansofyana Can you try running service rsyslog status to see if rsyslogd is running? If it's not, try running service rsyslog start and then re-running the test suite.


Closing this as stale since no further reports have reached us. Please reopen if it's still an active issue.