
Who uses Notify?

nikoksr opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello fellow Notify users!

We are the maintainers of the open source project Notify and we would love to know more about our community of users. If you are using Notify in your projects or at work, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share with us a brief description of how you are using it and any feedback you may have. This will help us understand the impact of our project and guide our future development efforts.

Thank you in advance for your contribution and happy holidays!

I'm currently using it to build a general notification web server API, where a bunch of clients can trigger notification services. Be it on telegram groups, push notifications to IoS, Android or whatsapp.

Right now, I'm really missing whatsapp functionality to be honest.

I mostly use the AWS SNS functionality.

I built something similar which now I might just deprecate in favor of Notify.