yet another vanilla and tiny mustache like template engine.
sample usages:
//basic usage
rfq("hello {{|capital}}", {user:{name:"niko"}}); //-> "hello Niko"
rfq("hello {{name|or:buddy|capital}}", {}); //-> "hello Buddy"
rfq("{{txt|mark:42}}",{txt:"the answer is 42"}); //-> "the answer is <mark>42</mark>"
var data = {authors:[{name:"asimov"},{name:"dick"},{name:"herbert"}]};
'author-line': '<li>{{name}}</li>',
'authors-list': '<h2>{{authors.length|plural:no author:one author:{} authors}}</h2>'+
// -> "<h2>3 authors</h2><ul><li>asimov</li><li>dick</li><li>herbert</li></ul>"
is a string to parse or a registred template name.
is an object with keys/values used in the template.
variables in the templates are basically represented {{varname}}
, but you can also apply filter(s) to them with the syntax {{varname|filter1|filter2|etc}}
it returns the resulting string
is an object like {'template-name':'template {{value}}'}
it returns rfq
filters | purposes |
floor | convert to number rounded lower |
round | convert to number rounded upper |
capital | uppercase first letter of each words |
lowercase | lowercase the whole string |
uppercase | send a nuclear duck into space |
subs:from:to | extract a substring begging at from and ending at to |
replace:what:by | replace what by by |
trim | remove beginning and ending spaces |
join:separator | join values using separator |
mark:what | replace what by <mark>what</mark> |
plural:none:single:multi | apply none, single or multi template depending on the value |
or:default | apply default if false |
if:then:else | apply then if true else else |
tpl:tplname | apply a registred template |
you can add your own filter like that :
rfq.filters['concat'] = function(s,arg){ return s+arg; };
rfq("{{txt|concat: isn't it?}}",{txt:"nice"}); -> "nice isn't it?"