

irik77587 opened this issue · 5 comments

I think before installing root on ntfs, a good practice would be non-destructively converting (fake/temporary)home partition to ntfs. If the theory worked then, we can proceed. This would play good for the faint hearted like me. Most people are concerned about their home directories rather then root directory. On the bright side, windows won't poke your root and thus from a security standpoint, it will be safer. I will be sad if I accidentally delete something from the root directory just cause I can access it and make the OS unbootable or panic. People can try out the theory inside there vbox/qemu

seems rather possible without many problems... instead of moving root to ntfs all you'd need to do is to add an fstab entry like this:

/dev/NTFS-part		/home	ntfs-3g	defaults,permissions,recover,noatime	0	0

however this will not put it inside of the "sub-directory" hence it will create a mess of files

what i instead suggest despite being hacky is to move that mountpoint to something like /mnt/windows
and create bind entries that basically act like symlinks within your system

for example

/dev/NTFS-part		/mnt/windows	ntfs-3g	defaults,permissions,recover,noatime	0	0
/mnt/windows/home		/home	none	bind,rw	0	0

it mostly depends on how you want to set it up, but the only trick to remember here is to use the fuse ntfs driver with the permissions flag set.

Ah! also I don't have the reboot shutdown issue since root is not on ntfs. I instead used the following:

UUID=ntfs_uuid    /home    ntfs3    uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=022,fmask=133   0   2

Ah! also I don't have the reboot shutdown issue since root is not on ntfs. I instead used the following:

UUID=ntfs_uuid    /home    ntfs3    uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=022,fmask=133   0   2

i wouldnt recommend that, because not all files use the same mask (example being: ssh configs), i do still really recommend that you use the permission flag, so you wouldnt have weird system breakages

Found another way of doing the same and it also seems to be safe

mount -t ntfs3 -o acl --mkdir UUID=$UUID /run/media/$USERNAME/$UUID

Which can be used in fstab as below

UUID=ntfs_uuid    /home    ntfs3    acl    0    2

Ref: NTFS3

nice, that way you avoid all the performance issues of ntfs-3g