
Modifying the Consent popup/form

Opened this issue · 5 comments


We are using Complete Cookie Consent on a site that also uses Snaptcha. We are finding that it's not possible to submit the Consent form as Snaptcha is checking it upon submission.

The solution would be for us to add the Snaptcha tag to the Consent form, but I can't find any way to do that.
The documentation indicates we can make a custom form but it seems to be referring to a consent management form rather than the banner itself.

Is there a way we can edit the banner?

There's no way to alter the form yet, but we could add this to the settings. Would a flat text field suffice, allowing you to add HTML/JS/CSS/whatever before the closing form tag?

Yes so long as we could use a Twig tag in there.
To add the Snaptcha field we would need to add {{ craft.snaptcha.field }} and have it parse to inject the necessary HTML

Perhaps the plugin could detect if Snaptcha was installed and add the tag automatically?

Any new status on this change?

@nordentwickler I'm sorry to say, no. We've been absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of work in the past months, and are only now catching up. We're planning on killing most issues in the first two weeks of januari, though. We'll keep you posted!

Added compatibility with Snaptcha in version 2.3.1.