
Encrypting user TeamPass

WesleyVini1 opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a problem that when I add a new user to TeamPass, a message appears stating that the user is being encrypted and asks to wait for the process to finish, but this process never ends, leaving the screenshot below for better understanding.

Sem título

Page on which it happened

Steps to reproduce

Expected behaviour

Tell us what should happen

Actual behaviour

Tell us what happens instead

Server configuration

Operating system: Linux cfs-prod-teampass-pmx 6.8.4-2-pve #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PMX 6.8.4-2 (2024-04-10T17:36Z) x86_64

Web server: Apache/2.4.59 (Debian)

Database: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1

PHP version: 8.2.18

Teampass version: 3.1.2

Teampass configuration file:

'max_latest_items' => '10',
'enable_favourites' => '1',
'show_last_items' => '1',
'enable_pf_feature' => '0',
'log_connections' => '1',
'log_accessed' => '0',
'time_format' => 'H:i:s',
'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',
'duplicate_folder' => '1',
'item_duplicate_in_same_folder' => '0',
'duplicate_item' => '0',
'number_of_used_pw' => '3',
'manager_edit' => '1',
'cpassman_dir' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass',
'cpassman_url' => 'http://<anonym_url>
'favicon' => 'http://<anonym_url>/favicon.ico',
'path_to_upload_folder' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass/upload',
'path_to_files_folder' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass/files',
'url_to_files_folder' => 'http://<anonym_url>/files',
'activate_expiration' => '0',
'pw_life_duration' => '0',
'maintenance_mode' => '0',
'enable_sts' => '0',
'encryptClientServer' => '1',
'teampass_version' => '3.1.2',
'ldap_mode' => '0',
'ldap_type' => '0',
'ldap_user_attribute' => '0',
'ldap_ssl' => '0',
'ldap_tls' => '0',
'ldap_port' => '389',
'richtext' => '0',
'allow_print' => '0',
'roles_allowed_to_print' => '0',
'show_description' => '1',
'anyone_can_modify' => '0',
'anyone_can_modify_bydefault' => '0',
'nb_bad_authentication' => '0',
'utf8_enabled' => '1',
'restricted_to' => '0',
'restricted_to_roles' => '0',
'enable_send_email_on_user_login' => '0',
'enable_user_can_create_folders' => '1',
'insert_manual_entry_item_history' => '0',
'enable_kb' => '0',
'enable_email_notification_on_item_shown' => '0',
'enable_email_notification_on_user_pw_change' => '0',
'custom_logo' => '',
'custom_login_text' => '',
'default_language' => 'portuguese_br',
'send_stats' => '0',
'send_statistics_items' => 'stat_country;stat_users;stat_items;stat_items_shared;stat_folders;stat_folders_shared;stat_admins;stat_managers;stat_ro;stat_mysqlversion;stat_phpversion;stat_teampassversion;stat_languages;stat_kb;stat_suggestion;stat_customfields;stat_api;stat_2fa;stat_agses;stat_duo;stat_ldap;stat_syslog;stat_stricthttps;stat_fav;stat_pf;',
'send_stats_time' => '1714588856',
'get_tp_info' => '0',
'send_mail_on_user_login' => '0',
'sending_emails' => '0',
'nb_items_by_query' => 'auto',
'enable_delete_after_consultation' => '0',
'enable_personal_saltkey_cookie' => '0',
'personal_saltkey_cookie_duration' => '31',
'email_smtp_server' => '<removed>'
'email_smtp_auth' => '',
'email_auth_username' => '<removed>'
'email_auth_pwd' => '<removed>'
'email_port' => '',
'email_security' => '',
'email_server_url' => '',
'email_from' => '<removed>'
'email_from' => '<removed>'
'pwd_maximum_length' => '40',
'google_authentication' => '0',
'delay_item_edition' => '0',
'allow_import' => '0',
'proxy_ip' => '<removed>'
'proxy_port' => '',
'upload_maxfilesize' => '10mb',
'upload_docext' => 'doc,docx,dotx,xls,xlsx,xltx,rtf,csv,txt,pdf,ppt,pptx,pot,dotx,xltx',
'upload_imagesext' => 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png',
'upload_pkgext' => '7z,rar,tar,zip',
'upload_otherext' => 'sql,xml',
'upload_imageresize_options' => '1',
'upload_imageresize_width' => '800',
'upload_imageresize_height' => '600',
'upload_imageresize_quality' => '90',
'use_md5_password_as_salt' => '0',
'ga_website_name' => 'TeamPass for ChangeMe',
'api' => '0',
'subfolder_rights_as_parent' => '1',
'show_only_accessible_folders' => '0',
'enable_suggestion' => '0',
'otv_expiration_period' => '7',
'default_session_expiration_time' => '100',
'duo' => '0',
'enable_server_password_change' => '0',
'bck_script_path' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass/backups',
'bck_script_filename' => 'bck_teampass',
'syslog_enable' => '1',
'syslog_host' => '<removed>'
'syslog_port' => '514',
'manager_move_item' => '1',
'create_item_without_password' => '0',
'otv_is_enabled' => '0',
'agses_authentication_enabled' => '0',
'item_extra_fields' => '0',
'saltkey_ante_2127' => 'none',
'migration_to_2127' => 'done',
'files_with_defuse' => 'done',
'timezone' => 'America/Sao_Paulo',
'enable_attachment_encryption' => '1',
'personal_saltkey_security_level' => '50',
'ldap_new_user_is_administrated_by' => '0',
'disable_show_forgot_pwd_link' => '0',
'offline_key_level' => '38',
'enable_http_request_login' => '0',
'ldap_and_local_authentication' => '0',
'secure_display_image' => '0',
'upload_zero_byte_file' => '0',
'upload_all_extensions_file' => '0',
'bck_script_passkey' => '<removed>'
'admin_2fa_required' => '1',
'password_overview_delay' => '30',
'copy_to_clipboard_small_icons' => '1',
'duo_ikey' => '<removed>'
'duo_skey' => '<removed>'
'duo_host' => '<removed>'
'duo_failmode' => 'secure',
'roles_allowed_to_print_select' => '',
'clipboard_life_duration' => '0',
'mfa_for_roles' => '',
'tree_counters' => '0',
'settings_offline_mode' => '0',
'settings_tree_counters' => '0',
'enable_massive_move_delete' => '0',
'email_debug_level' => '0',
'ga_reset_by_user' => '',
'onthefly-backup-key' => '<removed>'
'onthefly-restore-key' => '<removed>'
'ldap_user_dn_attribute' => '',
'ldap_dn_additional_user_dn' => '',
'ldap_user_object_filter' => '',
'ldap_bdn' => '',
'ldap_hosts' => '<removed>'
'ldap_password' => '<removed>'
'ldap_username' => '',
'api_token_duration' => '60',
'last_folder_change' => '',
'enable_tasks_manager' => '1',
'task_maximum_run_time' => '300',
'tasks_manager_refreshing_period' => '60',
'maximum_number_of_items_to_treat' => '100',
'ldap_tls_certifacte_check' => 'LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER',
'enable_tasks_log' => '0',
'upgrade_timestamp' => '1717180856',
'enable_ad_users_with_ad_groups' => '0',
'enable_ad_user_auto_creation' => '0',
'ldap_guid_attibute' => 'objectguid',
'sending_emails_job_frequency' => '2',
'user_keys_job_frequency' => '1',
'items_statistics_job_frequency' => '5',
'users_personal_folder_task' => '',
'clean_orphan_objects_task' => '',
'purge_temporary_files_task' => '',
'rebuild_config_file' => '',
'reload_cache_table_task' => '',
'maximum_session_expiration_time' => '100',
'items_ops_job_frequency' => '1',
'enable_refresh_task_last_execution' => '1',
'ldap_group_objectclasses_attibute' => 'top,groupofuniquenames',
'pwd_default_length' => '14',
'tasks_log_retention_delay' => '30',
'oauth2_enabled' => '0',
'oauth2_client_id' => '',
'oauth2_client_secret' => '',
'oauth2_client_endpoint' => '',
'oauth2_client_token' => '',
'oauth2_client_scopes' => 'openid,profile,email',
'oauth2_client_appname' => 'Login with Azure',
'max_last_items' => '10',

Updated from an older Teampass or fresh install:

Client configuration

Browser: -

Operating system: - bits


Web server error log

 -  ()

Teampass 10 last system errors

Log from the web-browser developer console (CTRL + SHIFT + i)

Insert the log here and especially the answer of the query that failed.

Same situation.
When I create a new user account, the email is not sent to him in latest version.
He is unable to login as he hasn't got the password.
Then his account is never encrypted.
I cannot change the password so he can login because he is not encrypted.

Did you manage to find any solution?

Yes @WesleyVini1 , I think I did... though don't remember exactly what I did, because I tried lots of things.

Seems the cron job was not being executing properly.
I think I did ps -ef | grep php and saw A LOT of processes queued. Seemed locked...

I killed all of them and then executed this:
#4168 (comment)
php scripts/background_tasks___userKeysCreation.php

Hope it helps