
The json_rpc from chronos stops working after install nimlangserver

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I recently installed json_rpc from chronos and my code stop compiling after installing the nimlangserver:

~/.nimble/pkgs2/chronos-4.0.2-4764aff67c5f7d4cf40c3adab71a18bc26843f53/chronos/apps/http/httpserver.nim(662, 1) template/generic instantiation from here
~/.nimble/pkgs2/chronos-4.0.2-4764aff67c5f7d4cf40c3adab71a18bc26843f53/chronos/apps/http/httpserver.nim(667, 16) Error: getAcceptInfo(getString(request.headers, AcceptHeaderName, "")) can raise an unlisted exception: ref ValueError

looks like it's a clash between yyoncho/nim-json-rpc and status/nim-json-rpc, and nim langserver is using the yyocho/nim-json-rpc, and that breaks the status/nim-json-rpc

Even if we should change the dep, I dont know the reason of the fork. This is in reality a nimble issue. If you can still repro it, please, submit it in there.