
Navigation not working in Windows

jmgomez opened this issue · 0 comments

When navigating to a symbol in windows an extra / is appended and vscode detects it as a folder so it doesnt show the file but an error

I believe the root of the issue comes from the quoting here:

proc call*(self: Nimsuggest, command: string, file: string, dirtyFile: string,
    line: int, column: int, tag = ""): Future[seq[Suggest]] =
  result = Future[seq[Suggest]]()
  let commandString = if dirtyFile != "":
                        fmt "{command} \"{file}\";\"{dirtyFile}\":{line}:{column}{tag}"
                        fmt "{command} \"{file}\":{line}:{column}{tag}"
    SuggestCall(commandString: commandString, future: result, command: command))

  if not self.processing:
    self.processing = true
    traceAsyncErrors processQueue(self)

However when removing the slash, it doenst navigate at all (there is no error neither) so not sure what VSCode is expecting.