
[question] intended posts to be unencrypted?

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Is it intended to push the messages unencrypted?
(or did I just miss something?)

Btw. good work! ๐Ÿ‘


Well, they are encrypted over HTTPS, from the webhook client to this matrix-webhook server if this is deployed properly, but not in the matrix sense.

The underlying lib matrix-nio support matrix encryption, so it should be possible to send encrypted messages if necessary :)

thanks for the quick response!

I know that the transport-layer is encrypted, it was more about the encrypted messaging via matrix-nio (but it seems to be unimplemented) into the desired room. Have you any plans to implement it?

Currently reading the docs of matrix-nio .. maybe I can contribute. :)

I don't have plans to implement it.

If you can contribute, this will be welcome !

Nice, if I got something I'll open a PR/Issue.
Until then I'll close this for now.
