
Bug: plugin is not compatible with Windows

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The plugin uses process.env.HOME which is not available on Windows.

const nimConfig = join(process.env.HOME, '.nimbella');

As a result running netlify build will fail on Windows.

A possible fix can be to use require('os').homedir()

Arguably we can drop this logic altogether and execute the login command every time.
In either case, we should handle the failure to login or retrieve the active namespace.
Related to #23.

Arguably we can drop this logic altogether and execute the login command every time.

I found it to be taking a bit of time for login so I'm caching the directory.

In either case, we should handle the failure to login or retrieve the active namespace.

If nim fails to login, the error reported by nim is returned by the plugin. It's handled in try/catch