
[Backend] As a user, I can see Trending coins on the Home screen

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  • The user should be able to see trending coins on the Home screen.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When the user navigates to the Home screen, the following API is called: GET /coins/markets.


    Coin ids: ids=bitcoin,ethereum,binancecoin,ripple,cardano,solana,polkadot,near,tron,dogecoin
    Currency: vs_currency=usd
    Items per page: per_page=10
    Items order: order=market_cap_desc
    Page: page=1
    Price changes percentage: price_change_percentage=24h
  • If the API returns success, the user will see the coins items (handled in integrate story #8).
  • If the API returns error, the user will see the error state using default alert with title is Error, message's content is from API response and the confirm button's title is Ok.

The error response will look as follows:

  "error": "Could not find coin with the given id"

API Documents